Michigan 2-1-1
What is 2-1-1?
Michigan 2-1-1 is a free-to-use, confidential service that connects you with local community-based organizations across the state offering thousands of different programs and services for people seeking answers.
Seven regional 2-1-1 contact centers manage Michigan’s most up-to-date and comprehensive database of health and human services, with over 7,000 agencies offering over 27,000 services across the state.
Connecting with 2-1-1 is easy.
Connecting with 2-1-1 is simple and can be done in a variety of ways. Dialing 2-1-1 or visiting www.mi211.org gives you quick and easy access to information about services in your community. From our website, you can search our online database or chat with one of our Community Resource Specialists. Additionally, you can also text your zip code to 898-211 find resources in your area.
How we helped in 2021
Michigan 2-1-1 connects individuals looking to get or give help to resources in their communities. Beyond individual referrals, Michigan 2-1-1 is a powerful partner to state government, Local United Ways, and the business community - providing data on the real-time needs of Michigan families and supporting a range of initiatives with front-line staff, quality assurance, training, reporting and analytics.
The numbers tell just a piece of the story of the true impact of Michigan 2-1-1.
Connected to more than 791,000 individuals via call, text, and web.
Met the top needs of Michiganders: COVID support, utility assistance, VITA program sites, housing, and health care.
Maintained a comprehensive database with over 7,000 agencies and 27,000 services.
Partner with us
Michigan 2-1-1 is more than just a number to call in times of need. 2-1-1 is a robust information and referral system with deep technical and analytics expertise. Michigan 2-1-1 is ready to connect with any community organization or state partner to bring more effective, efficient delivery of health and human services to Michigan families. Below are just a few of our current partnerships.
API Partnerships
Michigan 2-1-1’s statewide database of community resources can be easily integrated into a partner’s current software system through an Application Programming Interface (API). Allowing partners to seamlessly navigate to the 2-1-1 database so they can access resources to address social determinants of health. Current statewide API partnerships include MDHHS’ MI Bridges Portal, Michigan Crisis and Access Line (MiCAL), and Michigan State University’s Kinship Care Program.
COVID-19 Hotline
In partnership with the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services, Michigan 2-1-1 is operating the COVID-19 information hotline, assisting with locating and scheduling COVID-19 test and vaccine appointments, supporting individuals to connect with needed resources during quarantine and/or isolation periods and answering general COVID-19 related questions. Click here to view the dashboard for data.
Michigan Homeowner Assistance Fund
In partnership with the Michigan State Housing Development Authority, Michigan 2-1-1 is operating the customer service hotline for the Michigan Homeowner Assistance Fund (MIHAF). Support provided to homeowners includes answering general questions, checking the status of applications, and completing applications over the phone.
Maternal Child Health
In partnership with the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services, Michigan 2-1-1 operates the Maternal Child Health and WIC hotline to connect pregnant women and families with children to available resources including state benefit programs, parenting education and support, food resources, etc. Aggregate needs and service gaps are also reported and shared for program development.
Healthcare Marketplace Navigation
In partnership with the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS), Michigan 2-1-1 provides assistance with health insurance questions, understanding benefits, plan comparisons, and enrollments for the federal Health Insurance Marketplace. 2-1-1 Navigators are certified by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and are readily available to assist people during Open Enrollment and special enrollment periods.
SNAP Outreach
Michigan 2-1-1 supports Michigan residents with food insecurity by connecting to available local food resources as well as pre-screening for SNAP (Food Assistance) benefits.
Connect with us
The Michigan 2-1-1 State Office and the Michigan Association of United Ways do not provide direct services, or provide community referrals. If you’re looking to get or give help, please contact 2-1-1 using the information below.
to get or give help
Dial: 2-1-1 or 844-875-9211
Text your zip code to 898211
Chat or search at www.mi211.org
To connect with the state office
Email: jennie.pollak@mi211.org
Call: 517-371-4360